Andrew Rosindell MP has said he is “appalled” that there will be no Christmas lights switch-on in Havering this year.

Havering Council confirmed earlier this month that there would not be any Christmas lights or trees in its town centres due to the “urgent need to make savings”.

An annual event usually takes place in Romford's Market Place and in Collier Row.

Cllr Ray Morgon told Romford Recorder that the council has “no choice” due to reductions in funding from central government, and the rising costs of social care and homelessness.

Andrew Rosindell, who was re-elected as MP for Romford earlier this year, has now slammed the decision.

He accused Havering Council of having “cancelled Christmas”, and disputed Cllr Morgon’s assertion that there was no other option.

Mr Rosindell said: “Havering Council does have a choice.

“Christianity is the foundation of the heritage of our nation, our constitution, institutions, and British way of life.

“Key amongst this heritage is the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

“This year, the Council has actively chosen to deny the right of local people to publicly celebrate this important holiday and I am appalled!"

He also called on local people to voice their opposition to the move in the hope that the council will reconsider its decision.

Responding directly to Mr Rosindell's comments, Cllr Morgon said: “We have been very public about this. In our last budget, because of the urgent need to make savings, the council sadly agreed it could no longer deliver Christmas lights and trees in our town centres.

“It is disappointing that Andrew Rosindell is criticising the council, as it was years of the Conservative governments' underfunding of councils that has led us to this very difficult position.

"This is certainly not a position that we want to be in. Because of the growing cost of children’s, adults and housing services, the bulk of which we have to provide by law and which now takes up around 80 per cent of the council’s budget, some of the nice things that the council have provided such as Christmas trees and lights have had to be sacrificed, in order that those other important services to residents such as street cleaning, road and pavement repairs, maintenance of our parks and open spaces etc can continue.

“Perhaps he has forgotten that the council had to go cap in hand to his government earlier this year for access to a loan, in order for the council to set a balanced budget, another requirement that has to be carried out by law.

“We said we would work with the Romford BID and other town centres to help them plan their own events, and if required, find sponsorship.

"Perhaps instead of attacking the council, the Romford MP and any other critics can help us and the community to raise money to support the lights and trees.

“Whilst there may not be trees and lights in all our town centres funded by the council, I am sure that this will not stop residents celebrating Christmas.”