A nine-year-old girl is among six people who have been shot in the space of 15 days in London.

From May 29 until June 10, six people, aged between nine and 44, were left injured as a result of gun crime.

These incidents started when nine-year-old Lissel Maria was shot as she ate with her family at the Evin restaurant in Kingsland High Street, Dalston on May 29.

Three men, aged between 37 and 44, who were sitting outside the restaurant were also hit by the flying bullets from a stolen motorbike.

Seven days later on June 5, a 23-year-old man was shot in broad daylight in Wren Road, Dagenham.

On June 10, a man in his 20s was left seriously ill with life-changing injuries after he was shot in Ogilby Street, Woolwich.

There is nothing to suggest that any of these incidents are linked together and these are only incidents that Newsquest London are aware of.

The police recorded 6,645 offences involving firearms in the year ending June 2023, a one per cent increase compared with the year ending June 2022 with 5,860 offences, according to the Office for National Statistics.

The National Crime Agency (NCA), which deals with serious and organised crime in the UK, said suppressing the availability of guns is a national priority.

It said firearms get into the hands of gangs through criminal networks, which bring them over from Europe hidden in vehicles.

Here is a timeline of everything we know so far about each incident:

Where: Dalston, Kingsland High Street

When: At 9.15pm on May 29, 2024

A nine-year-old girl and three men were taken to hospital after a shooting at a restaurant in Dalston.

Lissel Maria was hit by a bullet as she ate with her family at the Evin restaurant in Kingsland High Street at 9.15pm on May 24

Three men, aged 37, 42, and 44, were also hit by the bullets from a motorbike as they were sitting outside the restaurant.

The girl remains in hospital in a critical condition and the three men have since been discharged.

The suspect’s motorbike was a Ducati Monster with a white body, red chassis and red wheels.

In 2021 it was stolen from a Wembley property and at the time of the shooting, was displaying the registration plates DP21 OXY.

Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway, local policing lead for Hackney and Tower Hamlets, said: “Our investigation team has been working tirelessly to piece together what happened and to identify the dangerous individual responsible for this shocking and indiscriminate act of violence.

“We will always be directed by the evidence and a critical line of enquiry has been the potential link to Turkish-originating organised criminal networks.

“Sadly, a nine-year-old girl who was simply having dinner with her family is now in a hospital bed fighting for her life.

“It is therefore important we find out the details of the individual who carried out this horrific attack and those involved in the planning.

“Our investigation continues at pace but, if you have information, if you know who was involved, you can do the right thing and share the information with us completely anonymously.

“You might be a friend, partner or a family member of someone that you suspect may be involved. I urge you to search your heart to understand if your loyalty to friends or associates extends to covering up for an innocent child being shot.

“Our young victim remains in a critical condition. Specialist family liaison officers continue to support her family through this terribly difficult time and our thoughts remain with her and her family.

“It is very clear that this attack has had a devastating impact on the family.

“On their behalf we ask that their privacy is respected in such difficult circumstances.”

No arrests have been made following the incident.

Where: Wren Road, Dagenham.

When: At 1.06pm on June 5, 2024

A 23-year-old man was taken to hospital after being shot in Dagenham.

The incident happened in Wren Road just after 1.05pm on June 5.

Officers and London Ambulance Service crews attended and the man was taken to hospital where his injuries were not life-threatening.

Luke Parr, 23, of Dagenham was arrested on June 10 on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder.

He was charged with possession of ammunition with intent to endanger life and manufacturing firearms and ammunition.

He appeared in custody to appear at Barkingside Magistrates Court and was remanded in custody to next appear at Snaresbrook Crown Court on July 10.

Troy Eugene, 23, of Barking was charged on June 11 with attempted murder, possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of a firearm.

He appeared at Thames Magistrates Court that same day where he was remanded to appear at the Central Criminal Court on July 9.

A 22-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and possession of a firearm.

She was bailed pending further enquiries.

Where: Ogilby Street, Woolwich

When: At 10.35pm on June 10.

A man in his 20s was taken to hospital after a shooting in Woolwich.

The incident happened in Ogilby Street outside Granby House at around 10.35pm on June 10.

Officers, including armed police, were called to the scene but could not locate the man.

Police were later informed that the victim attended a hospital suffering from a gunshot injury.

He remains in hospital in a serious condition, having sustained life changing injuries.

Detective Constable Nick Fletcher of Specialist Crime Trident, who is leading the investigation, said: “The victim of this shooting remains seriously ill and we are doing everything we can to find the person or people responsible for this attack.

“Anyone who witnessed this incident, or who has information that could assist police, is asked to get in contact immediately. If you do not feel confident speaking to a police officer, you can speak to the independent charity Crimestoppers.

“Finding those who carry and use firearms is one of our top priorities in order to protect our communities from serious violence and harm.”

No arrests have been made following the incident.