Romford workers should beware as the town is named the location with the most workplace accidents per capita in the UK, according to new research. 

Over the last 10 years, Romford has recorded a total of 290 incidents in the workplace, equating to 153.24 for every 10,000 people. 

According to the research, compiled by workplace accident specialists First4Lawyers, Redhill (124.19 per 10,000) and Llandudno (75.23) came second and third in the list of injuries per capita, while Birmingham, with 809 injuries in the last 10 years, took the crown as the location with the most recorded overall. 

In Romford, injuries to employees' backs (92) were by some distance the most common recorded, with hands (53) and feet (41) rounding out the three types seen most regularly. 

Romford Recorder: Romford came top of the list per capita, though Birmingham recorded more overall injuries in the last 10 years than any other place in the UKRomford came top of the list per capita, though Birmingham recorded more overall injuries in the last 10 years than any other place in the UK (Image: First4Lawyers)

On the findings, Jacqueline Busby, head of claims at First4Lawyers, said: “Although it is positive that numbers of serious workplace accidents, including fatalities, has fallen significantly in the last few decades, we are still seeing too many people being hurt in preventable incidents. 

“It is perhaps unsurprising that big cities top the list of accident at work hotspots. However, when we look at the number of accidents per capita, there are some much smaller towns making up the top 10. This shows how employers all across the country need to be mindful of how they keep their workers safe. 

“We have also found that there is a wide range of injuries happening to employees – from cuts on hands to dislocated backs. Although injuries are more likely to affect individuals in certain roles, it is a reminder that no worker is completely free of risk.” 

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